Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I'm sorry for making your job harder

Jackson had a hard time sitting still and continuously was out of his seat in class today.  His note said there were "multiple requests" by his teacher for him to stay in his seat.  I explained to Jackson that his teacher, Ms. Newman, has a really tough job as a teacher.  When he doesn't listen and respect what she is doing then it makes her job that much harder.  I asked him if he was trying to make Ms. Newman's job that much harder to which he replied, "No, ma'am."  Later in the evening I suggested that he write her an apology note.  He said he didn't know what to write.  I asked him to think about it and tell me what he thought would be a good thing to write and he said, "I'm sorry for making your job harder?" Yes, Jackson, those are perfect words to write to Ms. Newman.  And apparently, that letter made her day when he took it to school! We love you, we care about you and we are committed to you, buddy!

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