Jackson is doing well in his 4th grade year at The Cumberland School. I especially enjoy the time in the car with him when I pick him up from school each day and we drive home. Recently, Jackson got into an altercation with a classmate on the playground. I was surprised to find out it was with one of his best friends in class, Jahven. When I asked him what happened he said that Jahven kept getting in his face and telling everyone on the playground that he liked Sekai, a young girl in his class. Of course, Jackson was embarrassed and after asking him several times to stop saying that he finally had enough and pushed him to the ground which effectively ended the teasing and landed him in the principal's office (sigh). I asked Jackson if he actually liked Sekai and he said, "I don't like her. Well, I kind of like her."
Fast forward to a few weeks later. As Jackson and I are driving home from school, he tells me that Mrs. Noggle has changed their seats around and he is sitting next to Sekai now in class. He says she is always nice to him and she says the same about Jackson. In fact, she told Jackson that he is the only boy in class who's nice to her. After telling me this he exclaims from the backseat, "Mom, I think I've found the girl I'm going to marry!" Surprised by this I ask him what it is about Sekai that makes him think he's going to marry her? He says, "Well, she's nice to me and I'm nice to her and we just get along so I'm going to marry her one day when I'm older." Then he proceeds to rationalize that if things don't work out with Sekai then he'll see if Alanna (another nice girl in his class) is still available and he'll ask her to marry him.........he hasn't quite put the whole concept of marriage together, but he's off to a good start. ha!
Sekai's mom said she came home talking about what a "gentleman" Jackson is towards her and how nice he is. A lot of days Chris and I wonder if we're doing anything right with raising our boy. Then there are the moments like this where we think there are some seeds being planted and cultivated in his heart. We pray that this continues for him as he grows up.
As we always tell him, we love him, we care about him, and we are committed to him......no matter what!!!!!!
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