Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jackson Ohana Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! It's official. Jackson has been in the world as long as he was in the womb! He turned nine months old during our very fun trip to Maui to visit Papa Ray and Nana Jana for our annual Jackson Ohana Thanksgiving. This was Jackson's first flight and we are happy to report that he was a little star. He received many compliments for his good behavior (I think he won everyone over with his blue eyes and flirting). Whew! He seems to be growing right before our eyes. Even though he's getting harder and harder to contain, he's ever the little explorer. This month he's been figuring out how to open cabinet doors.......while balancing on his increasingly steady little legs! Putting a rubberband around the door knobs is just the trick to keep him intrigued yet frustrated all at the same time! I have a feeling that walking may be on the docket for next month's post.

Chillin' in the Maui sand with his bucket and shovel. 

Caddying for Daddy on the putting green at Kapalua.  Our little golfer in training!

He had a ton of fun with his Nana Jana! They shared many laughs together.

Papa Ray and "Buddy Ro" crack each other up!


Anonymous said...

Wow is he cute! Glad the trip went well. Seeing him on the sand reminded me of Jacq's first trip to the beach and her inability to handle the noise due to her SPD. So nice to see your little guy enjoying the little things in life :)

Kelly and Kristen Crawford said...

sI am so glad y'all had a great time with your family!! I still can't get over y'alls trips to Hawaii..... totally jealous :)

Ashly said...

Jackson is getting so big! He's such a cutie!! Glad you guys had a great trip and have such a good traveler! We MUST get together SOON:)

Love you!