Yesterday was Jackson's two month check up with Dr. B. He's gained four pounds since he was born! at ten weeks old he weighs 10 lbs. 12 oz. and is 22 inches long. He is going to be vertically challenged just like his parents. His nurse, Christina, was a rock star giving him his shots. She laid them all out and once she started it was wham, bam, thank you ma'am and we were done. Jackson was not very happy about this. I tried to distract him with the pacifier, but it didn't work. As soon as I picked him up and held him for a few seconds he was fine and we were on our way. They told me he may be a little fussy or a little sleepy for awhile and I'm happy to report that we got "a little sleepy" booger.
Some of you have noticed this about Jackson. He snores. It's kind of funny that we don't have the screaming baby that distracts everyone at church on Sundays. No, we have the snoring baby that cracks up everyone on Sundays! When the doctor asked if it was just heavy breathing or legitimate snoring I told her we had expert witnesses who could confirm that it's legitimate snoring. Turns out he may have a little reflux which should be easy to treat!
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