A friend of ours recommend herbal teething tablets. I was skeptical, but these teething tablets have become our "magic pills". They work like a charm! I'm tempted to try them myself, but haven't gone there yet. The teething tablets came in handy until Christmas Eve when his first front tooth finally broke through and Jackson was back to his usual self. Whew! He got lots of new toys, but one of his favorite toys was the "goodwill" toy from his cousins Abby and Emma. They gave him their little tikes keyboard and he loves to bang on it and make noise. It's the perfect gift! Another great gift was also passed down from his cousins. Pop's rocking chair from when he was a little boy has been passed down to each grandchild and now it's Jackson's turn to have it. What a special gift!
Friday, December 25, 2009
All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth
So the week before Christmas Jackson turned in to a Fussy McFussy Pants which is not consistently characteristic of his personality. He developed a high fever while visiting his "G" for Christmas and you could tell he was miserable. Since we're such expert parents we used our super power of deductive reasoning to conclude that his two front teeth were trying to break through. They were giving him a run for his money!
A friend of ours recommend herbal teething tablets. I was skeptical, but these teething tablets have become our "magic pills". They work like a charm! I'm tempted to try them myself, but haven't gone there yet. The teething tablets came in handy until Christmas Eve when his first front tooth finally broke through and Jackson was back to his usual self. Whew! He got lots of new toys, but one of his favorite toys was the "goodwill" toy from his cousins Abby and Emma. They gave him their little tikes keyboard and he loves to bang on it and make noise. It's the perfect gift! Another great gift was also passed down from his cousins. Pop's rocking chair from when he was a little boy has been passed down to each grandchild and now it's Jackson's turn to have it. What a special gift!

A friend of ours recommend herbal teething tablets. I was skeptical, but these teething tablets have become our "magic pills". They work like a charm! I'm tempted to try them myself, but haven't gone there yet. The teething tablets came in handy until Christmas Eve when his first front tooth finally broke through and Jackson was back to his usual self. Whew! He got lots of new toys, but one of his favorite toys was the "goodwill" toy from his cousins Abby and Emma. They gave him their little tikes keyboard and he loves to bang on it and make noise. It's the perfect gift! Another great gift was also passed down from his cousins. Pop's rocking chair from when he was a little boy has been passed down to each grandchild and now it's Jackson's turn to have it. What a special gift!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Jackson Ohana Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! It's official. Jackson has been in the world as long as he was in the womb! He turned nine months old during our very fun trip to Maui to visit Papa Ray and Nana Jana for our annual Jackson Ohana Thanksgiving. This was Jackson's first flight and we are happy to report that he was a little star. He received many compliments for his good behavior (I think he won everyone over with his blue eyes and flirting). Whew! He seems to be growing right before our eyes. Even though he's getting harder and harder to contain, he's ever the little explorer. This month he's been figuring out how to open cabinet doors.......while balancing on his increasingly steady little legs! Putting a rubberband around the door knobs is just the trick to keep him intrigued yet frustrated all at the same time! I have a feeling that walking may be on the docket for next month's post.
Chillin' in the Maui sand with his bucket and shovel.
Caddying for Daddy on the putting green at Kapalua. Our little golfer in training!
He had a ton of fun with his Nana Jana! They shared many laughs together.
Papa Ray and "Buddy Ro" crack each other up!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Lions, Tigers and Bears........Oh My!
Papa Ray and Nana Jana.
Should be an interesting flight. Stay tuned!
Friday, September 18, 2009
From There...To Here
From there:
Our pastor recently talked about this in relation to our spiritual growth. Whether it's from there to here or from here to there I pray that Chris and I will continue to grow up in our faith and pass that along to Jackson from an early age. My new "from here/there" thoughts came through this week when I picked up Jackson from school. It was pouring down rain and the owner's son, Chad, was eagerly waiting with a golf umbrella to assist those of us not lucky enough to park under the carport. It's little things like this that make me think of Jackson and how I pray that he will get from here (a playful tot) to there (a kind-hearted young man). It's a lofty challenge as a parent, isn't it?!
Switching gears entirely, this month has been about Jackson's new seating opportunities. He's been a real pro with all of his new endeavors. New seats include the grocery cart seat, booster seat, tub seat, and his new car seat:
He's assuming the crawling position, but can't quite figure out what to do yet. It's only a matter of time. I'm sure month 8 will be full of mobility fun!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Life's a Beach!
Six months is how old Jackson will be next Monday and how long it feels like we've been without a computer at home! We just returned from a very relaxing weekend at the beach with the Sklar family. Chris' brother and his wife invited us to join them at their beach house in Florida for a few days along with our nieces and Pop and Mimi. Turns out Jackson is a WaterBoy! He loved the pool and enjoyed the beach. He actually paddled his way to Daddy as you can see in the video clip. He splashed in the ocean, sat in his Bumbo (the best invention ever) and ate.......I mean played in the sand. We had a great time and here are some pics to prove it: 

"It's hard being me!"
Apparently, Pop did not get the memo that the Explorer works better when it's in the WATER!
Chillin' with Mimi........until Mimi lost her balance due to some fierce waves and went under! We missed our $10k funniest video moment, unfortunately.
Emma's version of boogie boarding. Isn't she the cutest thing ever?
Quickest way to get a grumppopotamous to sleep: a short jog in the stroller is a win-win for us both!
Good night to all and to all a good night!
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jackson is officially 1/3 year old. The general progression has been to say how old he is in weeks. When I lost count of the weeks I progressed to months, but I'm impatient and decided to jump to years this month. He's 1/3 year old..........until next month when I revert back to how many months he is! Here are the highlights heading in to month 4:
1) Started daycare at Oxford Babies and has the best caregivers in the world who love him to pieces! Miss Avis says she picks one little boy out of each age room and Jackson is her man in the infant's room! I think it's the dimple. :o)
2) Got his first "daycare fever" which prompted an ER visit. Hopefully we won't have to do that again any time soon.
3) Had his first swim in the pool at our friends Denny and Ashly's (who are due in August with a surprise!) neighborhood pool. FUN! I've attached a few pics of his day at the pool. Clearly, there was a beginning, middle, and end to the fun filled day!
4) Had his first "sleeps" away from home with his Mimi and Pop. I'm not sure who had more fun, Jackson or Mimi and Pop!
He's starting to grab things and is a bit more purposeful with his movements. He took Daddy by surprise the other night when he grabbed his plate at dinner and almost yanked it off the table. Stay tuned for adventures from month 5!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday Night Fever

The doctor made a quick assessment and ordered labs, x-rays and IV fluids. The verdict is still out on who was most traumatized by the whole experience: Jackson, his parents, or his nurse, Mrs. Tracey!
Finding a vein on a dehydrated 3 1/2 month old is no small feat, but with five people holding him down he finally got some fluids and they were able to draw his blood and take chest x-rays to rule out all of the worst case scenarios of a fever with an unknown origin. With big crocodile tears and the most pitiful "rescue me" look on his face, we finally made it home around 1 a.m. with one overly tired, too many needle sticks to count, cranky, feverish little man! Fortunately, all of his lab work came back normal and he won't remember the experience. It was determined that he has a viral infection. As of today we are still fighting the germs but his fever is coming down and we got a couple of smiles this morning so that was a good sign! We're sure this won't be our last visit to the ER!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This will only hurt for a minute......
Yesterday was Jackson's two month check up with Dr. B. He's gained four pounds since he was born! at ten weeks old he weighs 10 lbs. 12 oz. and is 22 inches long. He is going to be vertically challenged just like his parents. His nurse, Christina, was a rock star giving him his shots. She laid them all out and once she started it was wham, bam, thank you ma'am and we were done. Jackson was not very happy about this. I tried to distract him with the pacifier, but it didn't work. As soon as I picked him up and held him for a few seconds he was fine and we were on our way. They told me he may be a little fussy or a little sleepy for awhile and I'm happy to report that we got "a little sleepy" booger.
Some of you have noticed this about Jackson. He snores. It's kind of funny that we don't have the screaming baby that distracts everyone at church on Sundays. No, we have the snoring baby that cracks up everyone on Sundays! When the doctor asked if it was just heavy breathing or legitimate snoring I told her we had expert witnesses who could confirm that it's legitimate snoring. Turns out he may have a little reflux which should be easy to treat!
Some of you have noticed this about Jackson. He snores. It's kind of funny that we don't have the screaming baby that distracts everyone at church on Sundays. No, we have the snoring baby that cracks up everyone on Sundays! When the doctor asked if it was just heavy breathing or legitimate snoring I told her we had expert witnesses who could confirm that it's legitimate snoring. Turns out he may have a little reflux which should be easy to treat!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We've had a lot of fun visiting with family over the past week. Papa Ray and Nana Jana were in town from Maui.
Aunt Sis came down from Charlotte and we went to the World of Coke Museum which was great fun. Jackson met the Coca-Cola Polar Bear, was kissed on by kissy puppies and experienced a 4-D movie.

We ended the week with a visit to see Mimi and Pop and cousins Abby and Emma in Rome. Abby treated us to lunch at the country club (thanks to Abby for knowing Dad's membership number) and Emma offered some profound advice to Jackson: "Don't let him get under the toilet with his pacie in his mouth because it will fall in the toilet and he'll cry for like 6 hours. I know because it happened to me." Great wisdom from a 5 year old!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Smiles, Sleeps, Sticking out his tongue and............Shots

Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Arose!
"And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." I Corinthians 15:14. As believers in Christ this is absolutely the most important reason to celebrate the hope we have, that not only did Christ die for our sins, but arose on the third day.
As with most children, my twin sister and I always looked forward to our annual Easter Egg hunt when we got home from church on Easter Sunday. Mom and Dad would hide a single red rose that represented Jesus (because he "a-rose") that was the "golden egg". I don't remember exactly what prize we got for finding the red rose, but I'm sure it was very exciting!
Since Jackson is not old enough to hunt Easter eggs, his GG sent us 3 red roses and a little boutonneire for our little man's first Easter. Next year we'll have fun hunting for the "golden egg"!
As with most children, my twin sister and I always looked forward to our annual Easter Egg hunt when we got home from church on Easter Sunday. Mom and Dad would hide a single red rose that represented Jesus (because he "a-rose") that was the "golden egg". I don't remember exactly what prize we got for finding the red rose, but I'm sure it was very exciting!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Gas and Fast Cars
We're pretty sure that up until this point any inkling of a smile we caught from Jackson was probably related to gas and not because he was actually entertained by anything or anyone. That's beginning to change though. His little personality is starting to come out more and more. Today he discovered his mobile as he gleefully watched the race cars spin out of control above his head!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Lap dance at Pat's
It's not what you think............Jackson and I made our first trip to Aiken this past weekend. Jackson had so much fun with his GG. He also got to meet his great grandpa, Papa Jim, among other family and friends. We surprised Papa Jim Friday morning with a visit to Pat's restaurant and bar where he meets the fellas each morning for a shot of caffeine and a little gossip I'm sure. While we were there, the moment I'd been putting off finally arrived..........the need for a public diaper change! GG and I proceeded to the bathroom (keep in mind it's a bar by night and young kids, much less infants, do not frequent Pat's) and you guessed it, there was no changing station which was almost as disappointing as not being able to find "Expectant Mother" parking when I was pregnant. All three of us proceeded to cram in to the bathroom stall where Jackson had his first ever and hopefully his last ever "lap dance" as GG expertly changed him while he laid in her lap:
He also relaxed on the couch and watched cartoons:
I think Jackson and GG have a lot of fun times ahead! Look out Aiken!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Jackson had his one month check up today with Dr. Beckford. Jackson likes seeing Dr. B...............until next month when he gets a series of shots. She already said she'll have her nurse administer his shots so that he doesn't associate her with them. LOL! He has grown an inch this month and gained almost 1.5 pounds. Today's stats were 20.5 inches long and 8 lbs. 1 oz. which puts him in perfect proportion for height and weight. Oh, and Dr. Beckford also confirmed that his head is proportional as well. It's confirmed. Like so many adults who have inflated egos, thankfully he doesn't have a big head (hopefully he never will)!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day (and Birthday)!
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