Jackson Toby Sklar was born at 5:02 pm on 2/17/09 weighing in at 6 lbs., 12 oz. and measuring 19.5 inches long. Mommy was induced around 8am in the morning and he made his appearance just after 5 pm. To make the experience worth it I had a couple of shots of fentanyl chased with an epidural that made the labor and delivery as pleasant as it could be. The one thing I was not prepared for was the "labor" of pushing. A show that Chris and I enjoy watching is "The Biggest Loser". When the participants arrive at the ranch and begin working out with their trainer they are immediately pushed beyond anything they've ever experienced. There are often a lot of sweat, tears, and...............vomit that ensue. This is what pushing was like for me! To hear him cry was absolutely the sweetest sound to our ears. Although we were convinced that we'd both cry, surprisingly, our joy was manifested more in a sense of awe and laughter that he was healthy and here! Life is truly a miracle and Chris and I are amazed at God's careful design and entrusting us with this little story that remains to be told.